2005-02-21 [長年日記]

_ [svn]Subversionの基礎練習(on off) /* from marsのメモ(on off) */

 Mr.Yuki wrote this article which is introduction of using subversion commands,who is famous as technical writer.

_ [aop]AOP@Work 1p(on off) 2p(on off)


_ [be]Zeta Zone(on off)

 This site treats the information of Zeta which is a successor of BeOS. Zeta Neo is now released.
 Zeta R1 will be released near future. Japanese localization is progressed.
 BeOSの後継であるZetaの情報サイト。現在、Zeta Neoリリース、正式版はまだ。日本語版、進行中(on off)(on off)

_ [blog]Reveries Of A Solitary Walker(on off)

 Moving and renaming of kyuka's weblog.
 kyuka's weblogの移転先。

_ [elec.pc]Intel、CPUのI/O高速化技術「I/OAT」を発表(on off)

 memo memoφ.

_ [moz]Firefox、Mozillaの次回リリースでのIDN機能無効化を回避(on off)

 This trouble came to an end for now.

_ [ruby]Chizzle(on off) /* from オレンジニュース(on off) */

 This orients intelliJ style ide .(intelliJ is maker of IDEA.) this is in development phase.
 intelliJ スタイル Ruby IDE。開発中。