2007-03-19 [長年日記]

_ [java.fw.di.guice]Guice User's Guide翻訳 by iad_otomamay(on off)

 34. Appendix: How the Injector resolves injection requests(on off)
 33. JMX Integration(on off)
 32. A Counting Example(on off)
 31. Struts 2 Support(on off)
 30. Binding to Strings(on off)
 29. Optional Injection(on off)
 28. Static Injection(on off)
 27. Intercepting Methods(on off)
 26. Development Stages(on off)
 25. Injecting Between Scopes(on off)
 24. Eagerly Loading Bindings(on off)
 23. Creating Scope Annotations(on off)
 22. Scoping Bindings(on off)
 21. Example: Integrating With JNDI(on off)
 20. Custom Providers(on off)
 19. Converting Strings(on off)
 18. Injecting Constant Values(on off)
 17. Injecting Providers(on off)
 16. Implicit Bindings(on off)
 15. Annotations With Attributes(on off)
 14. Creating Binding Annotations(on off)
 13. Annotating Bindings(on off)
 12. DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)(on off)
 11. Binding Dependencies(on off)
 10. Bootstrapping Your Application(on off)
 09. Runtime(on off)
 08. Startup(on off)
 07. Architectural Overview(on off)
 06. More Annotations(on off)
 05. Guice vs. Dependency Injection By Hand(on off)
 04. Dependency Injection with Guice(on off)
 03. Dependency Injection By Hand(on off)
 02. Plain Old Factories(on off)
 01. Introduction(on off)
 00.Java on Guice(on off)

_ [java.fw.di.guice]GuiceとSpringの統合(1) Spring管理のBeanをGuiceに一括登録(on off)


_ [java.fw.di.guice]Guice with ******2(on off)


_ [java.fw.di.guice]パフォーマンス計測コード公開(on off)


_ [java.fw.spring]SpringのAOPでJavassistを使えるようにしてみる。(on off)


_ [idea.plugin]IntelliJ IDEA+Guice=GuiceyIDEA!(on off)

 メモメモφ。/* to marsのメモ(on off) */

_ [JBoss][java.fw.wb]JBoss Seamの新機能(on off)


_ [java.scripting] JRubyで利用するためのデータアクセスフレームワーク「ActiveRecord-JDBC」(on off)

 メモメモφ。/* from オレンジニュース(on off) */

_ [ruby]システム管理の自動化ツール puppet が熱いらしい(on off)

 メモメモφ。/* from オレンジニュース(on off) */

_ [flash]Adobeより「Apollo」First Public Alphaがリリース(on off)


_ [ps3]PS3 ver1.60:Folding@Home、BGダウンロード、20GB版でリモートプレイ(on off)


_ [soft]デスクトップで欠落していた機能を埋めるPDFedit(on off)
